The world of investing can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to keep you up at night. Making your money work for you through investing is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. It provides a way for you to build upon your wealth and meet both short and long-term financial goals.

But high net worth comes with a specific set of financial challenges and goals. With the help of a private wealth manager, your substantial assets and complex financial life can be handled with the utmost effectiveness.

Don’t wait for a major life change to reach out for help with your finances. Be proactive with your wealth and team up with a wealth manager before your financial confidence reaches a low point. We promise investing isn’t as daunting as it may seem. Save the horror for Halloween and read on to find out how wealth managers can help you invest with confidence.

Tax Concerns

The higher your tax bracket, the more complicated your taxes can become. As income can come from a variety of sources including investment returns, stock options, business profits as well as wages, there is never a one-size-fits-all answer regarding the best way to handle tax obligations. A wealth manager can help you tax optimize your portfolio depending on your assets, investment gains, and income requirements.


It’s imperative to have someone knowledgeable to consult with on one of your biggest financial considerations, retirement. What are your monetary goals for retirement? Would you like to continue to donate to your favourite charity, travel extensively, or pay for your grandchildren’s education? A wealth manager can ensure that you are on the right track for continued wealth throughout retirement so it won’t keep you up at night.

Wealth Preservation

One of the top financial fears, even among the most affluent, is a loss of wealth. The experience of a wealth manager allows for unbiased foresight to consider traumatic events, allowing for safeguards like liability insurance to be put in place.

Financial Organization

A complex and varied portfolio is beneficial for your finances, but establishing it can feel overwhelming. Don’t wait until you’ve lost control of your income sources. A wealth manager can maximize your profits while keeping your financial priorities in line and on track.

Minimize the fear and uncertainty surrounding investing with the help of a knowledgeable wealth manager. By boosting your financial literacy and addressing your concerns, a wealth manager can drastically reduce financial anxiety.

As always, Rae Lipskie’s experienced wealth managers are available to offer their expert advice on how to make your wealth work harder — minus the fear factor. Stay up-to-date on The RaeLipskie Partnership news, as well as upcoming events and news from the charities we support on our Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

For more information about the latest in financial news, The RaeLipskie Team, and events in the Waterloo community, head to our website and subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

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